Gauntlet / Raytracer / OpenGLES / Intro
Projects I have worked on during my first year at BUas.
These projects have significantly improved my understanding of the C++ language, the OOP methodology, data structures, libraries, vector/matrix math, and general game development thanks to these initial projects.
Working on Gauntlet increased my knowledge of retro games, Object-Oriented Programming data structures like LinkedList, and many C++ features.
I have significantly improved my understanding of mathematics, math notations, and the raytracing formula by exploring the topics of reflections and shadows.
I used SageMath to help me with visualizing math equations relating to ray-shape detections. Learned about BVH optimization techniques, Blinn–Phong shading, and recursive functions.
OpenGL Space Game
Using OpenGL ES 2.0 as this project had to run on a Raspberry Pi.
We were tasked with developing a space game where you can control a spaceship and dock a space station, when docked you transition to a third-person view, where you control a character that is animated. For the spaceship, I attempted to recreate the fighter feel and controls residing in the classic Star Wars Battlefront 2 from 2005.
This project increased my understanding of OpenGL, how games handle rendering, vertex, and fragment shaders.
BUas Intro Assignment
The first-ever game I have developed in the C++ language. Developed in 2019 as part of my BUas intake assignment, it’s a Windows console-based application I named “Minigames Game”.
No idea if the application still runs on this day, for any brave souls out there, here is the download link7.2Mb. Or just take a look at the gif below.